Review. Rethink.
Reflect. React.
Restart. Rephoto.
This is not a live website.
This website previously existed but has since expired, either due to timing or the client’s decision to take it offline. It is now available solely for portfolio purposes.
Please disregard any forms or contact information, as they are no longer active.
Access is limited to those with the link.
For three days, Amarante will host f/est Amarante, the International Photography Festival that had in the year 2021 its zero edition under the theme “Ver com olhos de ficar” (Seeing with lingering eyes).
In 2022, f/est returns to the streets of Amarante in a wider and more international version.
The concept remains as being a street festival that intends to reflect on the look. Not only through the aesthetic sense but also through this unique way of questioning our world through photography.
Magnum Photos 75 Years
May 28th to August 28th — All over Amarante
“As I Was Dying” — Paolo Pellegrin
May 28th — August 28th
Museu Municipal Amadeo Souza-Cardoso
Agata Kay
May 29th — Museu Municipal Municipal Amadeo Souza-Cardoso
As Bravas — Paulo Pimenta / PELE
May 27th to July 3rd — São Gonçalo Monastery
Remapear as margens: hipsografia do centro
May 27th to July 3rd — Fábrica do Matias
Fotografia e Alienação
May 28th — Cloisters of City Museum Amadeo Souza-Cardoso
Fotografia e Conflito
May 29th — Cloisters of City Museu Amadeo Souza-Cardoso
Colódio Húmido 1851
May 28th — Former jail of Amarante
Fotografia de Espetáculos
May 28th — Amarante City Library
Introdução à Fotografia
For schools
May 27th — Auditorium of Amarante High School
Wonder Box e Afghan Box: À La Minute
Street Activities
May 28th and 29th — São Gonçalo Monastery
Visual Games Workshop
Street activities for kids
May 28th and 29th — Casa da Juventude de Amarante